The House Cleaning Tips Action Plan
December 24, 2009 1:54 AMIf you are in need of some house cleaning tips then you have come
to the right place. First you must have a plan, don’t go running around
the house with all your cleaning supplies from room to room. This is
not the correct way to begin to clean your home. . So let’s get started
on helping you come up with some household cleaning tips to make
cleaning your home fun! Now the first thing you need to do is realize that your house cleaning
Plan is not working, and it’s time to put another plan into place. Let’s start here:
Get A Home Organization Plan : When you home is organized it’s easier to clean.
When you have a lot of clutter it’s very hard to figure out where to
start cleaning your home. DE-CLUTTER FIRST ! When I first started my
home cleaning company I wanted to offer my clients organization, so
I found this great resource to help me along the way. This man really
knows his stuff! Click Here! Order His EBook this saved me and my clients a lot of time and money.
House Cleaning Schedule:Yeap that’s right you have
one of these, or you wil not be able to get everything done.
Having a schedule helps you to decide who cleans, what will be cleaned, how it will be cleaned, and when it’s time to hire a Maid Service to clean when you are to busy to do it yourself.
House Cleaning Supplies: Knowing what supplies you will need to clean your home.You will need a all purpose cleaner, bathroom cleaner, cleaning rags, window cleaner, toliet bowel cleaner, and a container to carry your supples in. Don’t go out and buya lot of cleaners that don’t work, just stick with the general cleaners off the self Irecommend the “Lysol Products” they smell great and they WORK. I use commercialcleaners in my business to clean my clients homes, but you can buy directly of the shelf.In part 2 of this post I will give you some of the all natural products you can use to clean your home. Stay tuned and MERRY Christmas!!!
Categorised in: house Cleaning Service
This post was written by Full Moon Cleaning Services
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