
Quick And Easy House Cleaning Tips

February 17, 2011 1:12 AM

You are looking at your house and you see that it is a mess, and you ask yourself,  how can I clean this house quickly?  I for one don’t like to live in a mess, so I try and keep it nice and tidy all the time.  You may be saying to yourself  that this task is impossible, but I can tell you its not.  There are many times when you may have to get your house cleaning done really quick when company shows up at the door unexpectedly.  If your house is in a mess here a few house cleaning tips to get it done in no time.

  1. Make a house cleaning schedule. This is the first thing to do before you start cleaning, you have to have a plan.
  2. Survey each room of your home. Take a look at all the trouble spots of the room , then decide what tools are needed, and what you will be throwing away, if at all.
  3. Ask For Help .  Designate a task to family or ask friends if they can help If you do not want to do this alone.
  4. Gather your cleaning supplies.  A big waste of time  and distraction when cleaning is having to run up and down getting a broom or cleaners or whatever you need to complete the task that you’re doing. So before you get started make sure you have what you need.
  5. Get Clutter Free. There is nothing worse than a bunch of clutter. Throw away those old magazines, books, newspapers, get organized.
  6. Get rid of  Distractions .  Turn your phone off, this can cause you to loose touch with the task at hand.
  7. Play some house cleaning tunes. Get rid of the slow jams, and put on some upbeat tunes to get you going.
  8. Make a  House cleaning Maintenance Plan. After all the hard work you have done, you need to make sure that you keep it that way, so you will need a plan to keep things tidy so you don’t have to clean very hard the next time.
  9. Use Basic Natural Products.  Use items you already have around the house, such as vinegar, baking soda, Ivory dish soap. These make great house cleaning supplies.
  10. HIRE a house cleaning service.  If you don’t want to clean yourself, invest in a house cleaning service, or maid service.

Well there you have it,  quick and easy house cleaning tips !

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This post was written by Full Moon Cleaning Services

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