
House Keeping Service

December 15, 2009 11:25 PM

Housekeeping Services
Here it is that time again and I always sit here befuddled because I never know what to get her for her birthday. Moms have to be the hardest people to buy for…I wonder if because they think they have everything they need or if it’s because all these years they’ve told us “just a card dear – that would be nice”.
This time it’s different she’s getting older and I had noticed on my last visit things weren’t as shiny as they used to be so I thought I’d treat her to a one time housecleaning. Well, before you know it she thought it was a good idea too. We’d go out to lunch and a local company could come in and clean the kitchen, bathroom and do some light vacuuming. I had to promise her they’d be licensed and bonded since we wouldn’t be there in the home, which of course, was not a problem.
The company I found even accepted credit cards. I found this company and mentioned to my mom that if she liked them they offered maid services and other services too like house cleaning tips so I’d be able to help in between their visits if she decided to continue with them. Let me tell everyone that is ever stuck for a gift – this was one of the best ideas I ever came up with and every year especially for her birthday she can plan on having her home cleaning and us spending quality time together going out to lunch.
In reading some of their articles you can see how you can cut down n some of the time cleaning your own home. Like starting from the top to bottom and left to right in a room coming full circle. I was amazed reading some of their comments on how it only took them 6 hours to clean a home that was three times the size of my house. It takes me all week and even then I’m never sure if it’s clean enough for company to visit.
I guess my lesson learned on this was if you think someone has it all then give them something they might not want to do as a gift and take them to lunch…it worked for mom.

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