
Bathroom Cleaning Tips

December 18, 2009 5:47 PM

Having a clean bathroom is an important part of having a clean and healthy home. House cleaning professionals know some great secrets to get the bathrooms they clean sparkly clean and germ free. Here are some of the best bathroom cleaning tips  quickly and efficiently from house cleaning professionals

Tips For Cleaning Bathrooms

Windows, glass and mirrors can be cleaned well with a mixture of 1/3 cup of white vinegar mixed with 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol with water in a 32 ounce bottle. This simple inexpensive spray is made of ingredients that you have around the house, and is one of the best glass cleaning solutions around.
To keep alkaline spots from forming on your glass shower doors and bathtub walls, apply a coating of car wax. Glass shower doors and bathtub walls are porous, and the car wax coats those pores, making cleaning these areas easier. Don’t coat the tub itself with car wax, however. The coating will make the bathtub slippery and dangerous. Car wax will need to be applied twice a year to be effective.
Once a week, clean your showers with an orange type of cleaner. To make this cleaning a bit easier, spray the orange spray on the shower and let it set for ten minutes. The orange cleaner will have time to dissolve the grime and eliminate some of the work for you. Using liquid soap, natural soap, and Dove also eliminates some of the soap scum and build up that can occur, making your bathroom cleaning job easier, as well.
For really nasty soap scum build up, you may need to take more drastic measures. Spray down the shower areas you want to clean with undiluted orange cleaner and let it sit on the surface. Or wipe the surface area down with concentrated orange cleaner and an old rag. Let the solution sit of the surface for a while. When you can scratch the soap scum off with a fingernail, the crud is starting to loosen, and your scum problem will soon be solved.

White scrubbing pads help make your bathroom surface cleaning go faster. Only use the white bristle scrubbing pads, and be sure to check to see if your scrubbing pad scratches too much before you use it extensively. Keeping the scrubbing pad moist will also make your scrubbing job go more quickly for you.
If you have a plastic shower curtain, you can wash it in the wash machine. Let the curtain hang to dry. Or by a cheap plastic curtain from the dollar store near you and throw it away when it gets dirty. Of course, don’t put your plastic shower curtain in the drier. Or you can spray your plastic shower curtain with orange cleaner and let the cleaner set for 10 minutes before wiping it clean.
Alkaline deposits can cause some disgusting rings around your toilet bowel even if you clean it regularly. If you pour a cup or two of white vinegar in your toilet tank once a month, you can eliminate this problem. The amount of vinegar needed depends on the hardness of your water. a while. When you can scratch the soap scum off with a fingernail, the crud is starting to loosen, and your scum problem will soon be solved.
White scrubbing pads help make your bathroom surface cleaning go faster. Only use the white bristle scrubbing pads, and be sure to check to see if your scrubbing pad scratches too much before you use it extensively. Keeping the scrubbing pad moist will also make your scrubbing job go more quickly for you.
If you have a plastic shower curtain, you can wash it in the wash machine. Let the curtain hang to dry. Or by a cheap plastic curtain from the dollar store near you and throw it away when it gets dirty. Of course, don’t put your plastic shower curtain in the drier. Or you can spray your plastic shower curtain with orange cleaner and let the cleaner set for 10 minutes before wiping it clean.
Alkaline deposits can cause some disgusting rings around your toilet bowel even if you clean it regularly. If you pour a cup or two of white vinegar in your toilet tank once a month, you can eliminate this problem. The amount of vinegar needed depends on the hardness of your water.

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This post was written by Full Moon Cleaning Services

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