
Do You Need House Cleaning on A Budget?

June 24, 2012 11:02 PM

Affordable House Cleaning Service

Do you need your home cleaned and you just can’t afford an Affordable House Cleaning Service  at the moment? Do you just need your bathrooms and kitchen cleaned?  Dust mites are everywhere and you just want them to be gone? Are your blinds , windows sills, and tracks dusty and need a good through cleaning?  In this tough economy sometimes its not possible to be able to get your entire house cleaned by a affordable housekeeping service due to finances,  but  Full Moon Cleaning Services has a solution for you! We can customize  your cleaning needs so that you can afford a maid service. Our services are tailored to meet your budget so that you can start enjoying spending time doing other things than cleaning on the weekends. Our” budget house cleaning packages”  do just that , provide you with  affordable maid service  to get your most priority areas cleaned without breaking the bank.  Call us today and ask about our affordable house cleaning options to fit any budget. (909) 247 5926

Maid Service You Can Afford

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