
4 Tips To Doing Less Dishes

November 7, 2016 6:32 PM

Washing your dishes is one of the house cleaning jobs that absolutely has to be done in you kitchen.
We all want to learn how to keep the dish washing to a minimum don’t we? I myself hate doing the
dishes whether it’s putting them in the dishwasher or hand washing them, it doesn’t matter I hate it!
Here are a few tips on Doing Less Dishes to make your life easier and to keep you from pulling your
hair out.  Enjoy these tips on doing less dishes


Doing Less Dishes


Cook One Pout Meals At Dinner Time 

Most of the mess occurred in the kitchen is from post cooking clean ups.  Which includes pots,
skillet, casserole dishes, they can be a pain to clean.  To make your like much easier and give
yourself some free time use a slow cooker to prepare your meals.  Find recipes for Crock pot
meals which will make clean up much easier and Doing Less Dishes.

Clean As You Go

I learned this method from my Mother growing up. Clean As Go. Meaning run some hot soapy
dish water in the sink and as you cook and mess up dishes, pots, etc… wash them as you go!
This saves a lot of time and when dinner is done you won’t have a big mess to clean up afterwards.


Use Paper Plates  & Plastic Cutlery 

This is one of the most simple ways to do less dishes. Unless you plan on having tons of guests
or throwing an elaborate dinner party buy paper plates and plastic cutlery to use in place of your
main dinnerware.  If you have children this should be done regularly, we all know how many plates,
bowls, etc.. they can use on a daily basis.


Soak Your Pots & Pans

When you finish cooking dinner and before you start eating soak your pots & pans in some
hot soapy water then after you finishing eating they will be easier to clean, just scrub them
and you’re done!


Well I hope you’ve enjoyed these cleaning tips on Doing Less Dishes.  Sometimes you’re so
busy with everyday life, work kids, after school activities you just don’t have the time to
keep up with the home cleaning.  There is always  a way around this, an option is to hire
professional cleaning service to help you keep those dishes clean plus it will give you
free time to enjoy the things you really like doing!


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This post was written by Full Moon Cleaning Services

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