Professional Cleaning Service

In Upland

Cleaning done the right way

How It Works?

House Cleaning
Book cleaning online


Schedule a date & time for us to clean your home.

Rancho Cucamonga Cleaning


Your cleaner arrives to clean your home.

House Cleaning Service Rancho Cucamonga
Cleaning Service Ontario, CA


Sit back and relax n your clean home!

Cleaning Services In Upland, CA


Welcome to Full Moon Cleaning Services where we provide professional cleaning service in Upland.
We want to give the residents in Upland a chance to enjoy there weekends without the hassle of cleaning.
Our services can be personalized & customized to fit your needs and budget, in other words we aim to
make sure you get exactly what you want when hiring us to handle your house cleaning chores.



Upland  CA is located in San Bernardino County, California and is a city that is nestled against the
mountains.  It has a population of 73,732 and  was previously named North Ontario.  There are
many attractions and things to do in Upland, CA such as visit the Madonna trail, have a nice
beverage at the Last Name Brewing, and the Dale Bros. Brewing.



Professional Cleaning Service In Upland Costs


Full Moon Cleaning Services offers flat rates on all our services. This means that we do not charge
an hourly fee, and flat rate pricing means that your price for your service will not go up unless you
decide to add additional services to what you’ve already booked.



What Other Cleaning Services Do You Provide?


We offer a variety of services which include professional cleaning service commercial, along
with move out move in cleaning,  office cleaning, regular maid service, and rental cleaning.



If you have been searching the internet for professional cleaning services near me and came
across our website then you’ve come to the right place. You can book a professional cleaning
service in Upland CA online today in less than 60 seconds!  Grab your weekends back by
letting us take care of all your cleaning needs.


About Our Professional Cleaning Service In Upland

    Professional Cleaning Service In Upland

    Enjoy Your Quality Time!