Move Out Cleaning Los Angeles

You handle the moving We'll handle the cleaning!

How To Book

House Cleaning
Book cleaning online

Pick A Time

Choose the date the time and your cleaner will arrive.

Rancho Cucamonga Cleaning


Your cleaner arrives ready to clean your home.

House Cleaning Service Rancho Cucamonga
Cleaning Service Ontario, CA


Sit back and put your feet up in your clean home.

Moving Cleaning In Los Angeles


Full Moon Cleaning Services is experienced in move out cleaning in Los Angeles, CA.
Not only can you book move out cleaning services online via our website but you can do
it right from your smartphone or tablet even when you are on the go!



We’re here to save you time and money. Instead of looking all over the internet
trying to find a reputable move out cleaning service you can find everything you
need from here on our website. Book Now In 60 Seconds!



Reliable Cleaning


We show up when you tell us too!  We bring all of the supplies and
equipment so that all you have to do is focus on the packing and moving.



We offer this service to property managers, renters, landlords, leasing agents,
and anyone that needs a move out cleaning in the Los Angeles, CA area.



Using us insures that you get your deposit back and that you won’t be
billed for any clean- ups that need to be done before you ask for your
deposit back.



Skilled &  Trained Move Out Cleaners


Our professional move out cleaning pros in Los Angeles, CA are thoroughly trained to
give you the clean you need.  They know how to get the job done just the way you like it.
Our move out cleaning Los Angeles can be customized to fit your budget and cleaning



Just select your home size, and the extra services you need on the booking form, and you’ll
get a flat rate pricing, its just that easy & simple. Our payment gateway is secure and safe!



What’s Included In A Move Out Cleaning?


Bedroom/Living Room/Common Areas



Dust all surfaces

Mop & Vacuum all floors.

Wipe down all doors &  frames

Clean mirrors

Remove cobwebs




Disinfect & clean all showers and tubs

Disinfect & clean toilets

Wipe down all counter tops

Mop all floors

Wipe down all mirrors

Wipe down all baseboards




Wipe down all cabinets  ( interior & exterior)

Wipe down all counter tops

Wipe stove top oven

Wipe down microwave

Wipe down dishwasher

Wipe down refrigerator

Mop all floors



Extras ( Upon Request for Extra Fee)

Blinds hand wiped

Interior appliance cleaning

Interior windows




If you’re looking for move out cleaning Los Angeles
book now in just 60 seconds!






Move Out Cleaners Los Angeles

    Move Out Cleaning In Los Angeles

    Get Your Deposit Back & Let Us Clean For You!