House Cleaning

After Construction

Construction Cleaning Done Right!

How This Works

House Cleaning
Book cleaning online


Call us for a free no obligation quote.

Rancho Cucamonga Cleaning


Pick a date and time you would like your cleaning.

House Cleaning Service Rancho Cucamonga
Cleaning Service Ontario, CA


sit back and relax in your clean home

Post Remodel Cleaning


We provide the final phase cleaning known as house cleaning after construction.
A remodel of your home is needed after the contractors leave.  Your home will needs
a major after construction cleaning.   There will be dust everywhere, furniture, frames,
kitchen, walls, etc.. Full Moon Cleaning is ready to do your construction clean up.



 After Construction Checklist


Dust Walls & Ceilings

Vacuum all surfaces in the home to
remove dust & particles

Vacuum all furniture

Dust light fixtures

Dust & Vacuum hinges, tracks, drawers,
cabinets, etc..

Dust Mop & Wet Mop All Floors

Vacuum all carpets thoroughly

Dust window sills

Dust baseboard

Wipe down kitchen counter tops &
Clean Kitchen

Wipe down bathroom sinks, toilets,
showers, tubs,

Dust & wipe down appliances

Dust & wipe  down vents



If you are looking for a house cleaning after construction  or
construction clean up for commercial buildings give us a call
(909)334–1886 f
or a free estimate.We look forward to hearing
from you.










Construction Clean Up Company

    House Cleaning After Construction

    Book A Construction Final Cleaning